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48 min., 1998 - In Spanish with English Subtitles
Maria suspects that her husband has been unfaithful. “And have you thought about AIDS?”, her friends ask her. The development of the story is juxtaposed with documentary elements filmed in Argentina, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and the United States. Morir por Amor: Latinas and AIDS is a story of hope amidst the threat of the increase of AIDS among women. It doesn’t present women as victims, but as active agents in the transformation of their lives.
María se entera que su esposo le es infiel. “¿Y no has pensado en el SIDA?” le advierte su amiga. El desarollo de la historia se enlaza con elementos documentales filmados en Argentina, Brasil, República Dominicana y Estados Unidos. Morir por Amor: Latinas and AIDS es una historia de esperanza frente a la amenaza del aumento de casos de SIDA entre las mujeres. No las presenta como víctimas sino como gestoras en las transformación de sus vidas.
New Latin American Cinema Festival, Havana, Cuba (Aired on several TV networks and selected to tour several cities.
New School University, New York City - PREMIERE
The Other America Film Festival, San Antonio, Texas
=San Antonio CineFestival, San Antonio, Texas
“Morir por Amor represents an important step to start an open dialogue about the reasons for the disproportionate spread of HIV among Latinas. to talk about prevention it is necessary to talk about transmission, but it is more important to talk about attitudes towards HIV that involve us in risky behaviors.” “Morir por Amor representa un paso importante para la apertura de un diálogo sobre el aumento del VIH entre las mujeres Latinoamericanas. Para hablar de la prevención es necesario hablar de la transmisión, pero es mas importante todavía hablar de las actitudes hacia el VIH que nos envuelven en comportamientos riesgosos.” -Marisol Arriaga, Latino Commission on AIDS
“A curious and inquisitive camera that searches for people everywhere, positioning itself in the role of protagonist and aiming to demystify reality and to open up spaces for debate. Fiction documentary overlap to expose the main thesis of the story, that to live for love is better than to die.” “Una cámara husmeante e intrigadora, busca a la gente en cualquier parte y se coloca en protagonista apelando, sin agresividad, por la desmitificación de la realidad y la apertura del debate. Ficción y documental se mezclan para fundamentar la tesis de la historia: que vivir por amor vale mas que morir.” -Mario R. Naite, Festival del Nuevo Cine LatinoAmericano
DIRECTOR: Marta Bautís
CAMERA: Marta Bautís
=DDITIONAL CAMERA: Renata Gangemi, Irene Soza
ON-LINE EDITOR: Rafael Parra
RESEARCH ASSISTANTS: Susana Aikin, Mireya Cruz, Alicia Dorrego, Ana Lamarcha
In Buenos Aires: Sonia Dorrego, Julia Masvernat
In Santo Domingo: Mireya Cruz
In Florianopolis, Brazil: Vera Regina Mueller
In New York: Margarita Pietri
María: Sandra Rodríguez
Antonio: Rafael Decena
Lola: Mappy Torres
Narradora: Marta Bautis
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